Bright Sparks



Do you have a Bright Spark at home?  We know that it is difficult trying to keep the kids entertained during this period of lockdown.


So we decided to put a little competition together!

We would like them to design a new household appliance, or to improve a current one!

We want you to take a picture of their creation and post it on the comments of the original Facebook post on our page. With a brief description about the appliance.

Why not visit our website for some inspiration.

You can also get creative by making an app to make an appliance better!


The Prize

A £20 Amazon Gift Voucher

Terms and Conditions

The competition is open to all children aged 4 to 11.

Competition runs from Thursday 2nd April 2020 - Friday 17th April 2020

The winner will be announced on Monday 20th April at 5pm

The prize is a not exchangeable for cash or any other voucher

Entrants must be from Devon, Cornwall, Dorset or Somerset to be eligible to win

One winner only

The James Dyson Award

Get creative! You never know where you ideas and innovation can take you!  James Dyson invented and improved lots of household appliances.  Check out his website to find out more about how you can become an Inventor!